PEEI: a computer program for the numerical solution of systems of partial differential equations.
Title: PEEI
Description: PEEI calculates a numerical solution of almost all the systems of partial differential equations who have number of equations equal or greater of the number of unknown functions.
Date of release: 26 October 2008
Improvements respect to the previous version Any order of derivation also in the input file labeled "conditions". Better reading of input files, and possible insertion in them of comments that do not contain numbers. Removed a small GUI defect.
Later version: . This later version has better management of execution, memory and user interaction.
License: Freeware, PEEI is a completely free program, for unlimited personal and business use, designed realized and distributed by Giacomo Lorenzoni.
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Server 2003/Server 2008
Required prerequisites: Windows Installer 3.1, .NET Framework 3.5
Install/uninstall: Yes, a shortcurt is added to the Start Menu, and PEEI can be uninstalled via Add/Remove Programs.
Language: English
File dimension: 258 kilobytes
Number of downloads: 563
Quick guide: peei_qg.pdf
Related link: A method for the numerical resolution of differential analytical models and the program PEEI that computerizes it.
Keywords: differential equations, systems of partial differential equations, numerical solution, solver
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Examples of PEEI application:
Plane Couette flow
Plane Poiseuille flow
Elastic torsion of a circular bar
Hydrostatic compression of a elastic sphere
Pure elastic bending of a prismatic bar
Elastic axial extension of a prismatic rod
Cooling of a cube with convective boundary condition
Cooling of a cube with imposed surface temperature
Heat conduction in a thin rod
Heat conduction in a circle
Heat conduction in an annulus