SINCRONIA: a computer program for synchronization and backup of files and folders.

  • Title:  SINCRONIA

  • Version:

  • Author:  

  • Description:   SINCRONIA  updates and adapts a "slave directory" to a "master directory", taking optionally account of specific paths (files and folders) that you want to consider or ignore, and then can be used for synchronization and backup of files and folders for which there is interest.

  • Date of release:  

  • Improvements respect to the previous version   Have been updated some minor technical aspects.

  • License:  Freeware. This version of  SINCRONIA  must be reactivated once a month, but is completely free for unlimited personal and business use, and also the reactivation takes place for free and quickly with a button that automatically appears.

  • Operating system:   Windows XP and later.

  • Install/uninstall:  Yes, a shortcurt is added to the Start Menu, and  SINCRONIA  can be uninstalled via Add/Remove Programs.

  • Language:   English

  • File dimension:   876 kilobytes

  • Screenshots:    screenshot 1  screenshot 2  screenshots

  • Previous releases:   21 November 2010 (   -   30 November 2010 (   -   8 June 2011 ( -   14 June 2011 ( -   7 July 2011 ( -   21 July 2011 ( -   22 November 2011 (  -  May 19, 2014 (

  • Number of downloads:  460

  • Keywords:   backup, synchronization, files and folders

  • Contact:

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